
The online knife museum will have pictures of some of the rarest knives you will see. If you have a knife that you would like featured here, please contact me.

The items shown below are NOT FOR SALE.

Click on pictures to enlarge.

Product Image Item Name-

Post WW2, pre MC-2 U. S. issued paratrooper switchblade

Knife given to actor Edwin Forrest by James Bowie as "the Vidalia Sandbar knife."

Original Guardfather spike pen with ad
"Presto" prototype pull-ball auto

"Presto" prototype pull-ball auto

1800s Wade & Butcher automatic

1800s Wade & Butcher automatic

1960s Italian all metal pressbutton type

1960s Italian all metal pressbutton type

1970s German paratrooper gravity knife

1970s German paratrooper gravity knife

7" Square Button Latama

7" Square Button Latama

One of 3 known to exist.
9" Square Button Latama

9" Square Button Latama

9" Square Button Latama
A. Feist "twist open" auto

A. Feist "twist open" auto

Twisting the ring at the rear of the knife facilitates opening and closing.
AKC Tactical Leverletto

AKC Tactical Leverletto

AKC/Bill DeShivs

AKC/Bill DeShivs

Bottom knife- Original Leverletto prototype. Top knife0 firs production Leverletto made.
Balloonist's knife

Balloonist's knife

World War 1 era balloonist's knife, obviously made in cooperation with Schrade's Press Button Knife company
Bonsa bolsterless lever lock

Bonsa bolsterless lever lock

Bonsa gravity knife

Bonsa gravity knife

Bonsa late 10 CM

Bonsa late 10 CM

Case 5161 Lever Lock

Case 5161 Lever Lock

Colonial "Snappy"

Colonial "Snappy"

Colt. Reunite (pre- Coricama) folding bowie

Colt. Reunite (pre- Coricama) folding bowie

Coricama "shell wrap" handles

Coricama "shell wrap" handles

5.5 inches overall. Celluloid overlay on handles.
Early Boker 712 Lever Lock

Early Boker 712 Lever Lock

Note longer lever spring
Ethan 1953

Ethan 1953

Ethan 1953 shell wrap handles. 7" OAL.
French "Bargeon" with metal scales

French "Bargeon" with metal scales

G. Schrade 3-1/8" pull-ball prototype

G. Schrade 3-1/8" pull-ball prototype

George Schrade "Presto" large derby bolster automatic

George Schrade "Presto" large derby bolster automatic

Gold plated Flylock

Gold plated Flylock

I.W. Heysinger Novelty hunting knife (gravity knife)

I.W. Heysinger Novelty hunting knife (gravity knife)

Thanks to Paul Connor!
Italian "Ackermannchen" auto

Italian "Ackermannchen" auto

Unusual torsion spring mechanisn.
Japanese "Utica" automatic

Japanese "Utica" automatic

Japanese pre-Rizzuto automatic

Japanese pre-Rizzuto automatic

KaBar "Baby Grizzly"

KaBar "Baby Grizzly"



10CM Robert Klaas (Kissing Crane) lever lock.
Korn's Patent (made by Bonsa)

Korn's Patent (made by Bonsa)

Latama 7" wasp body stiletto

Latama 7" wasp body stiletto

Knife has solid, flat guardĀ bolsters.
Late 1970s Bonsa 10 CM lever lock

Late 1970s Bonsa 10 CM lever lock

Late 1970s Bonsa 10 CM lever lock
LaVespa Frosolone made stiletto

LaVespa Frosolone made stiletto



8" Lepre stiletto, made by Veneir (Lepre brand.)
Maserin & Denardo shell puller

Maserin & Denardo shell puller

Mechanical opening knives

Mechanical opening knives

Left- Triangolo 3 on right- Geisen & Forsthoff
metal handled vintage stiletto

metal handled vintage stiletto

Mini Coricama stiletto

Mini Coricama stiletto

Only 4.5 inches overall.
Olbertz small leverlock

Olbertz small leverlock

Olbertz lever lock.
Pair of Anton Wingen small gravity knives.

Pair of Anton Wingen small gravity knives.

Small Anton Wingen gravity knives.
Post- WWII German paratrooper gravity knife

Post- WWII German paratrooper gravity knife

Eickhorn manufacture. Late 1950s-mid 1960s.
Press Button Knife Co.

Press Button Knife Co.

Press Button with sterling silver scales and original pouch
Presto-George Schrade

Presto-George Schrade

Prototype large pull ball. Hand made by George Schrade


Puma lever lock.
Puma Medici lockbacks

Puma Medici lockbacks



Qualitat German multi-blade lever lock
Robert Klaas "Kissing Crane" coilspring auto

Robert Klaas "Kissing Crane" coilspring auto

Made in Maniago, Italy for Klass.