I am no longer offering a limited number of hand assembled Leverlettos. I no longer have factory parts.
These knives use factory made parts, and can be ordered with almost any combination of scale material and embellishment.
Decorative hand engraving, machine engraving (lettering, etc.,) filework, coining, checkering, custom levers, inlays, bails-almost anything you can think of can be done. If you want a gold-plated Leverletto, I can do it!
The knives are marked "Leverletto US" in script on the blade, and "Bill DeShivs" on the tang.
Handle materials include exotic woods, mother of pearl, abalone, Micarta in different shades, stag, horn, numerous decorative plastics, mirrors, imitation ivory- you name it!
You can have a one of a kind, custom Leverletto built by the designer and owner of the copyrighted "Leverletto" name. Only AKC Italy and myself are authorized to use the name "Leverletto." Any other makers are selling counterfeit goods.
Please contact me via email to discuss your new Leverletto US. You will beĀ surprisedĀ at how inexpensive it can be.
Pictured are the first two of this series. They have already been sold.
Click on pictures to enlarge
I no longer have factory parts to make these knives.